Your appointment preparations
-Prior to the appointment please wash your hair because you cannot get your eyebrows wet for 48 hours.
-If you fill in your eyebrows on a day to day basis, please do so before coming in that way i can see the color and the shape that you are used to and adjustments and asymmetry will be made.
24 hours before the appointment:
- No alcohol
- No caffeine
- No ibuprofens
- No asprin
All these things that iv’e listed above cause the blood to thin, and bleeding modifies the color and hair stroke.
After Care
-Do not wet for a minimum of 2 days, please wash your face carefully around the eyebrow without getting water on the treated area. A wipe works best. If you feel dust or discomfort on the treated area, wipe it gently with alcohol wipe. -No rubbing, no picking. The treated area might feel a little ticklish and itchy during the first phase of recovering process, it is important not to rub it as you might get infection into your skin. Peeling is absolutely normal during second phase of recovery; avoid any sort of peeking of dry skin as you might peel out the wrong parts and create bald spots in newly reconstructed brow. -Keep your hair away from your face. This means avoid putting your fringe over brows for at least 3 days as this could cause infection. – Ointment is applied by technician after the treatment. On the second day start using Tattoo Aftercare Balm 1-3 times a day for up to 3 weeks as directed by technician, always keeping the area very lightly moist. Oily skin may not require any ointment. Use a Q-tip and lightly coat over the eyebrows. Especially before the shower to create a barrier. Avoid petroleum Jelly or Vaseline as it can cause a reaction and block skin from breathing. This step is very important – keeping the pigmented skin moist with an oil base ointment will control the amount drying and crusting.This will help with color retention. -No sun beds, tanning, excessive sweating in the gym, no makeup or anti aging creams on the brow area for at least 10 days. It is best to allow the brow to heal first before using any of the above. No heavy sweating for at least 2 days. -Entire healing process will take from 4 to 6 weeks depending on your body’s regeneration, age, immune system and lifestyle. Sometimes after microblading customers develop dry, flaky skin. It is very important not to rub, pick or peel off your flakes or scabs. Itching is absolutely normal as skin is repairing itself. Never rub the treated area as it will disturb the skin from natural healing process. If you get your brow wet at the beginning of recovery, simply dry it with lint free tissue. The way you take care of your new brow after microblading will have great impact on the way it looks. Improper care often results in fading “patchy” brow. -Note that because of natural skin regeneration, after recovery period brows might appear lighter than original. Often, even with proper care, customers develop bald spots or loose original hair strokes which makes brows look uneven. It is absolutely normal because your natural skin regeneration is not a process that technician can control. That’s why most customers need a touch up after 1 month to assure that brows are perfectly even and desired effect was achieved. AVOID It is very important to continue the use of SPF on the eyebrows once healed and in the sun. The same way the sun changes the color of our skin, it may alter the color of the eyebrows. |